Key IQ manages and develops a number of major initiatives with the aim of creating sustainable business entities in their own right: 

Wyche Innovation Centre

A 7,400 square foot commercial building on the western slopes of the Malvern Hills, commanding stunning views across Herefordshire, is the home to Key IQ and over 40 other start-ups and small medium businesses / organisations. The Centre offers serviced offices, virtual offices, hot desks, business meeting facilities, Cafe H2O, and most valuable of all; a friendly community of like-minded entrepreneurs. [more info...].

Technology for Tourism

A forum bringing together technology providers and tourism promotors to improve the visitor experience. The initiative includes a network for collaboration, a forum for open innovation and a testbed for trialling innovative ideas in a primary UK tourist destination. [more info...].

Malvern Hills GeoCentre

The official visitor information centre for the Geopark Way is a technology-based resource that opened at the end of May 2013. Featuring digital information delivered through iPads, a stunning video-wall, a free wifi-zone, and a launchpad for new tourism-focused services, the Malvern Hills GeoCentre is part of the Wyche Innovation Centre and Cafe H2O. [more info...].


The following projects have now been spun-off into their own corporate entities:


Innovate Malvern CIC

The social enterprise Innovate Malvern Community Interest Company now runs the following projects:

Malvern Festival of Innovation

This growing annual festival of innovation and creativity is fast becoming the UK's primary event to showcase all that's cutting edge in new technology, social enterprise, and business. Through corporate sponsorship, the aim is to enable professionals, members of the public, and students to participate in the main events free of charge. [more info...].

Malvern Raspberry Jams

Hosted at the Wyche Innovation Centre, Malvern's Raspberry Pi Computer jams are generally held monthly as both an after school club for local students and later in the evening for families and adults. The aim is to promote software coding and hardware projects within the community, enabling participants to learn from others and share their experiences. [more info...].


UK Cyber Security Forum CIC

The social enterprise UK Cyber Security Forum Community Interest Company now runs the following projects:

Malvern Cyber Security Cluster

A group of more than 80 small cyber security companies centred around Malvern in Worcestershire, often dubbed as Cyber Valley, provides a forum for cooperation on a range of initiatives. These include sharing best practice to grow each other's businesses, improving the cyber security of local enterprises, and raising awareness of cyber security amongst young people. [more info...].

UK Cyber Security Forum

The Forum represents small companies who are actively working in cyber security across the UK. It is completely free to join and now has over 450 members across the country, each coordinated through regional clusters building on the best practice developed with the Malvern Cyber Security Cluster. [more info...].